Get a Qik Station for your Business

In today’s fast-paced world, customers rely on their devices to stay connected, and having a Qik Charging Station in your business can help provide them with the convenience and peace of mind they need. Not only does it improve customer satisfaction, but it also helps increase foot traffic and sets your business apart from competitors with its unique and valuable service. Get ready to take your customer experience to the next level with a Qik Charging Station!

Customer Convenience

A convenient way for customers to charge their devices while they are in your business.

Increased Foot Traffic

With Qik, you can attract more customers to your business and increase foot traffic.

Brand Awareness

Display your brand or logo prominently, increasing brand awareness.

Improved Customer Retention

When customers are able to charge their devices, they are more likely to spend more time in your business.

How does it work?

Get your business ready for the future with a free Qik Kiosk. Fill out the quick form by clicking the link below and have your kiosk delivered, installed, and consistently maintained for free.

This innovative solution will not only provide a convenient way for customers to charge their devices but also increase dwell time and footfall by directing new and existing customers to your doors through the Qik app.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to improve customer satisfaction and enhance your business’s competitive edge. Get your free Qik Kiosk today!


Frequently asked questions

We will provide you a charging station free of cost. 

The Qik Charging Station can generate revenue for your business in a number of ways, including advertising and branding opportunities, rental fees from users, and by increasing foot traffic and customer satisfaction, which can lead to increased sales.

We provide ongoing support and maintenance for the Qik Charging Station, ensuring that it is always in good working order for your customers.